Modernising supply chain safety in complex multinational businesses

1 December 2019 · SaferMe team

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The importance of good health and safety throughout the supply chain of large enterprise businesses cannot be overstated.

Not only are serious legal and business operating consequences in play, but the ramifications of poor supply chain actors and/or practices can be particularly harsh in today’s world where negative social influence is enough to severely harm an organisation.

One of the controls used in many organisations is audits or site tours of supplier organisations. This is not a new phenomenon and as was even noted as a recommended measure for monitoring supply chain safety by European regulators as early as 2012.

Modernising the Supplier Audit / Site Tour Process

While the idea of supplier site safety tours or audits isn’t new, improved technology that is now available allows us to make better use of this opportunity and maximise the impact these audits can have.

SaferMe builds custom apps for large multinational enterprise businesses to manage supply chain safety tours in an efficient and engaging way – one that improves focus on the important part: data from the site tours themselves.

Each app, branded and secure to the enterprise owner, provides a globally accessible mobile tool that takes the pain out of filing supplier site safety tours. One of our multinational clients has experienced a significant reduction in time taken to file reports by moving from spreadsheet documents and photo attachments to the modern mobile app interface. The branded, easy-to-use app has also driven higher engagement within the global supply chain organisation.

Another benefit of SaferMe in the context of a multinational organisation is the platform’s ability to share information and awareness among regions, and to map out the data from the tours and what their outcomes mean.

SaferMe is the modern and scalable way for multinational businesses to manage supply chain safety audits. 

If you’d like to see what we can do for your organisation, register here for a free demo and one of our regional experts will be in touch.

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