What is EHS 4.0 or Safety 4.0?

1 December 2019 · SaferMe team

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EHS 4.0 or Safety 4.0 is a term which defines the current state of safety technology and processes and the specific ways it is advancing with the help of digitalization.

The ‘4.0’ is a reference to the term ‘Industry 4.0’ term which describes the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ which includes “cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, cloud computing and cognitive computing” and is delivering automation and new capabilities to many industries.

LNS Research describes EHS 4.0 as the following:
“EHS 4.0 provides the means to harness today’s technology to enable fresh approaches to EHS management. EHS 4.0 is not a technology per se but rather is enabled by technology innovations. It’s a framework of capabilities that can help organizations go beyond traditional EHS management to transform how they manage performance improvement.”

LNS argues there are seven dimensions to EHS 4.0 / Safety 4.0 which are: Strategic; Systematic; Risk-based; Connected; Smart; Agile; Engaged.

How can your organisation advance towards EHS 4.0? Register here for a free personal demo session showing how safety technology can help you transform.

In a recent article discussing EHS 4.0, EHS Today focuses on the important role of culture and engagement in EHS 4.0 / Safety 4.0.

“The driver of this revolution is technology, but the implications of it go much deeper. Changes in technology without accompanying strategic and cultural changes can cause more problems than they solve,” the article by Terry Mathis of ProAct Safety states.

For us at ThunderMaps, the EHS 4.0 concept combines all of the above points, and it underpins the key advances we are taking as we help our clients on in their digital transformation of safety. It’s about process, engagement, culture, and mobilizing data.

We are driving forward the digitalization and automation of safety processes; we are help businesses engage employees and improve safety culture; and we help companies to mobilize hazard data to proactively protect workers. 

For a free demonstration and trial of how our safety software can help your organisation progress on the journey to EHS 4.0 / Safety 4.0 – register here on our website.

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